Herzlich willkommen once again to the meager few who have discovered this on the internet or have been tasked with reading this. I know you are just as excited as I am for the latest installment of this
To follow up on my previous confusion concerning {x in S2 for x in S1}, I did not in fact ask the professor for an explanation of the usage of the word "for;" rather, I asked a friend of mine who is also taking the class, but is vastly more experienced in the realm of computer science in general. The use of the word "for" simply explains to the computer--and to the programmer--that the program will evaluate each element (x) that is in S2, and then compare it with the elements within S1. In my mind's eye, I perceive this as a scanning beam going over the various objects within a box labeled S2, and then the same beam scanning a box labeled S1 for the same objects or for objects that are clearly not the same. Not the most exciting analogy admittedly, but it makes sense to me.
Now, concerning vacuous truths. The logic is quite fantastic, for in beginning with a false premise/antecedent, it does not matter if the conclusion is true or false, because the statement is true. This is the summit of arrogance, and it is hilarious. I can legitimately say, that for all cakes that are within the known universe, the cake that can alter the gravitational field around it is also the cake that can harness thrust without a propulsion system.
Now you must find me a cake that satisfies my antecedent but does not satisfy my conclusion.
No matter how hard you try, no matter the sweat, tears, and blood, you will never produce a counterexample to my claim.
Which means I am right.
This is eerily similar to an event on tumblr spoken of as "the science side of tumblr."
An example: http://i.imgur.com/bTL2DNe.jpg
The antecedent is that the kitten with a hat on its body is a turtle. The conclusion is that the type of turtle it is, is dubbed "mitochondria." Thus, it is true that all 'turtles' of that kind are mitochondria.
Thank you for reading. As in, you reading => my gratitude.
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