Sunday, 8 March 2015

[List]---[List] (It's a Linked list ok)

-D08, M03, Y15-

Hello and welcome back to another slog post brought to you by our sponsors:
Just kidding, I have no sponsors. In fact, at the moment, a substantial portion of all higher learning staff members--primarily teaching assistants--are on strike, so everything is 'up-in-the-air' (uncertain). Hopefully, the universities involved will be able meet the union's grievances without causing further suffering for us victims students.

Anywho! An assignment we had last week was quite challenging--particularly in the case of creating an artificial intelligence that employs recursion to determine the best outcome. I had hoped to work together with a friend on the assignment; but alas, all my friends had already paired off, and I wasn't going to throw my chips in with someone I didn't know or someone who did not aim to work just as hard as I would. *shrugs*

Aside from that, we went over a new data structure: Linked Lists. Values that 'point' to other similar values in such a way that each value only points to one other value--think of a regular Python list (or not, here's an example: [1, 2, 3]) except with arrows replacing the commas and an additional arrow at the end pointing towards 'the end itself' (e.g., [1] => [2] => [3] => [X]). Because this type of chain-listing does not exist by itself, a 'Linked List Wrapper' is used to keep track of this data structure (the first value is referred to as the 'front,' the last value as the 'back,' and the like). Overall, I do not see this as too terrifying an idea. As with all things, there are likely to be difficult pieces to this puzzle; nevertheless, lists are not particularly as intimidating as recursion.

Thank you for reading.


  1. This article and many other on your site are very interesting.

  2. It's been awhile since I last lurked by here... nice posts. What's "-D08, M03, Y15-" ?
